Sea Island Life - Fall/Winter 2021/22



6 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 We are excited to present this special edition of Sea Island Life, which was inspired by the traditions we shared via email and social media during spring 2020. Based on the response, it appeared that our members and guests had as much fun reminiscing about Sea Island traditions as we did. We decided to take a similar approach to Sea Island Life this year by featuring some of the favorite stories from past issues that highlighted these traditions. We have compiled them into two special editions, the second of which is this fall/winter issue. For example, we know that, for many, spending time at Sea Island is a family tradition that brings multiple generations together. In “Better in Bunches” (page 20, originally published in 2015) we explore the value of multigenerational travel. When it comes to experiences for families on the Island, biking offers a great opportunity for bonding. On page 18 (originally published in 2013), you will discover the best ways to explore the great outdoors on two wheels. Whether you ride, stroll or just lounge, our wide range of activities and environments—from the beach to the maritime forests (page 50, originally published in ³ensure that everyone can enMoy spending time outside. 9isit Broadfield, A Sea Island Sporting Club and Lodge, for an exciting quail-hunting excursion (page 38, originally published in 2013), then step out again after dark to gaze at the stars (page 62, originally published in 2014). One of our most popular outdoor activities is golf. We are honored to have players of all skill levels, from first timers to 3*$ professionals, on the greens and at the *olf 3erformance &enter page , originally puElished in . <ou can read more aEout learning the ropes and improving your game in ´So <ou :ant to 3lay *olfµ on page originally puElished in . $lso in this issue, we revisit the history of the Jones Cup Invitational (page 56, originally published in 2018), which brings together some of the most talented amateur players from around the world. The event returns this year to 2cean )orest *olf &luE on )eE. , . Food is another one of our favorite ways to honor the past—and celebrate the future. Like our restaurants’ menus, this issue offers a delicious combination of classics, such as Southern 7ide·s fried *eorgia white shrimp page , originally published in 2016), and new additions, including the Oak Room’s Charred ´Buffaloµ &auliflower page , originally puElished in . Throughout this edition, you may notice that we frequently refer to our “members and guests.” In a brand-new story on page 72, we explain what it means to be a member while taking a look back at the long history of the Sea Island Club. New membership types are making the Club more accessible than ever whether this is your first visit or your hundredth, we would Ee thrilled to have you become a part of the Sea Island family. Sincerely, Scott Steilen 3resident and &(2, Sea ,sland Welcome to Sea Island! WELCOME

Chosen by the finest hotels in the world. Discover their luxury collections at The Lodge and The Sea Island Shop.

8 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 28. SO YOU WANT TO PLAY GOLF Experienced golfers and novices are learning that improving their game—especially with modern equipment and instruction—is a lot of fun. By Dale Leatherman 34. FRESH FOCUS Vegetables are taking over menus, moving from side to star in creative dishes across the country. By Jennifer Walker-Journey 38. CHASING GENTLEMAN BOB A sport of the South, quail hunting is rich with tradition and history. By Damon M. Banks 44. CHEERS TO CHAMPAGNE Sweet, dry, rich or creamy, the flavors of sparkling wine are as complex as its history and creation. By Rebecca Cahilly-Taranto 50. INTO THE WOODS Get lost in the beauty and intrigue of maritime forests. By Bret Love and Sea Island Life Staff 56. PATHWAY TO THE PGA The Jones Cup Invitational, hosted at Sea Island’s Ocean Forest Golf Club, has a rich history of helping amateur golfers reach their full potential. By Judd Spicer 62. STARRY, STARRY NIGHTS Gaze up at the nighttime sky and behold the magnificence of the cosmos. By Amber Lanier Nagle 68. CRAVING COOKBOOKS By capturing the secrets of favorite flavors from a particular time and place, cookbooks provide a unique taste of tradition. By Nancy Dorman-Hickson 72. PART OF THE FAMILY For generations, the Sea Island Club has brought people together based on shared communities, common interests and their love of Sea Island. By Katherine Duncan 74. ADVENTURES IN CREATIVITY Mark W. Moffett and Melissa Wells have dedicated their lives to exploring the world and facilitating educational conversations. By Jennifer Walker-Journey Contents | Features Fall/Winter 2021/22 28 38 68 FALL/WINTER EDITIONS CELEBRATING TRADITIONS MIDDLE: VAL LAWLESS/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM; BOTTOM: JEN JUDGE


10 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 6. WELCOME LETTER 14. SEASONAL FLAVORS: THE FRUIT OF THE SEA Georgia’s white shrimp are among the most coveted varieties in the world. 16. LIBATIONS: LOCALLY MADE Craft distillers are on the rise in Georgia, creating artisan spirits with homegrown ingredients. 18. OUTWARD BOUND: PEDAL POWER Experience the joy of touring the Island on two wheels. 20. FAMILY FIRST: BETTER IN BUNCHES Family trips are even better when multiple generations come along. 22. MIND + BODY: NATURALLY INSPIRED Spa treatments are taking advantage of the power of plants to provide custom experiences and impressive results. 24. GET FIT: FIT FOR LIFE )unctional fitness improves Tuality of life Ey strengthening muscles needed for everyday activities. 26. IN THE SWING: FIT TO A TEE Sea ,sland 0aster &luEfitter &raig $llan provides insider tips on how to swing the perfect fit. 78. CONNECT VIA SOCIAL MEDIA Discover our most popular Instagram posts from every fall/winter issue of Sea Island Life. 79. SEA ISLAND STYLE Find the latest looks from your favorite brands, plus sporting gear, gourmet goods and more at the wide variety of resort shops. 80. EXPERIENCE THE BROADMOOR Learn about our sister property, The Broadmoor. 86. THEN AND NOW: GAME-CHANGER For the past 12 years, the Sea Island Golf Performance Center has paid homage to Davis Love Jr.’s passion for both teaching and learning about the sport. THE MAGIC OF MARITIME FORESTS | A TOAST TO CHAMPAGNE | TRAVELING AS A FAMILY | THE JONES CUP INVITATIONAL FALL/WINTER 2021/22 REDISCOVER FAVORITE STORIES THAT CELEBRATE SEA ISLAND TRADITIONS PART TWO SPECIAL EDITION: PREVIOUS FALL/WINTER EDITIONS OF SEA ISLAND LIFE, FROM 2013 THROUGH WINTER 2020 Contents | Departments 18 24 Fall/Winter 2021/22 FALL/WINTER EDITIONS CELEBRATING TRADITIONS

Georgia’s Premier Life Plan Community 136 Marsh’s Edge Lane • St. Simons Island, GA 31522 (912) 324-3028 •

12 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 EDITORIAL & DESIGN EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Steve Zepezauer CREATIVE DIRECTOR Paul Graff GROUP EDITORS Katherine Duncan | [email protected] Sharon Stello | [email protected] MANAGING EDITORS Justine Amodeo, Ashley Ryan CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jackie Adams, Damon M. Banks, Debra Bokur, Jessica Leigh Brown, Rebecca Cahilly-Taranto, Nancy Dorman-Hickson, Sarah Gleim, Vicki Hogue-Davies, Scott Kramer, Dale Leatherman, Bret Love, Amber Lanier Nagle, Judd Spicer, Matt Villano, Jennifer Walker-Journey DIGITAL MANAGING EDITOR Kim Zepezauer SALES ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER NATIONAL ACCOUNTS DIRECTOR Carrie Robles [email protected] 305-431-5409 SALES EXECUTIVE Yolanda OHern PRESIDENT & CEO Scott Steilen CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER Parra Vaughan MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, OCEAN FOREST Tyler Forrester STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Eliot VanOtteren ©2021 BY FIREBRAND MEDIA LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PERIODICAL MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT FROM SEA ISLAND LIFE. THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HEREIN ARE THOSE OF THE AUTHORS AND ADVERTISERS AND DO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THOSE OF THE OWNERSHIP OR MANAGEMENT OF THE MAGAZINE OR SEA ISLAND. TO OUR READERS: Sea Island Life invites you to share with us your reactions to our magazine. Send your correspondence to Editor, Sea Island Life, 580 Broadway, Ste. 301, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 or to [email protected]. The magazine accepts freelance contributions; however, unsolicited materials cannot be returned, and Sea Island Life accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to unsolicited materials. ADVERTISERS: For inquiries, please contact Carrie Robles at [email protected]. Sea Island Life, 580 Broadway, Ste. 301, Laguna Beach, CA 92651; 949-715-4100. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Steve Zepezauer CHIEF REVENUE OFFICER Scott Sanchez DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Tiffany Thompson CREATIVE & MARKETING DIRECTOR Paul Graff PRODUCTION MANAGER Tina Leydecker SEA ISLAND LIFE MAGAZINE

EGGER TINNEY 3309 Frederica Road St. Simons Island, Georgia 31522 912.634.8414 mand@anderson GARNER GROVES BATCH BROWN GARNER PRICE DIBENEDETTO DIBENEDETTO

14 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 Fried shrimp from Southern Tide FALL/WINTER 2016/17 CELEBRATING TRADITIONS The Fruit of the Sea Georgia’s white shrimp are among the most coveted varieties in the world. By Sarah Gleim SEASONAL FLAVORS The white shrimp caught off the coast of Georgia are considered some of the best tasting on the planet, with chefs worldwide prizing them for their te[ture and flavor. Shrimpers have fished around the coast of Georgia in search of these crustaceans for years. The industry runs deep and encompasses whole generations of families, like Native Seafood owner and shrimper Timmy Stubbs’ clan. His grandfather, Capt. Darcy Elton Stubbs, was the harbormaster in Brunswick, Ga., until he passed away in 1995 at age 75. +is five sons and two daughters are all shrimp and tug boat captains, and now his grandson, Timmy Stubbs, provides chefs and restaurants in Atlanta and Georgia’s Golden Isles with fresh shrimp. But the legacy of the Stubbs family extends past the harbor. Some speculate that Stubbs’ uncle, BoEEy, created the first mongoose fish ing net, featuring an improved design that allowed fishermen to Ering in Eigger hauls. National Fisherman even took a picture of him for its magazine. “Commercial shrimping … started here in Brunswick,” Stubbs explains. “But it really

FALL/WINTER 2021/22 | FROM THE ARCHIVES | SEA ISLAND LIFE 15 UPDATE FOR 2021/22 kicked off when the fisherman made changes to the nets that allowed them to catch a ton more shrimp. /egend says my uncle BoEEy made the new custom net, Eut the net Euilder got the credit.µ By the mid s, a modified net system had changed the shrimping industry com pletely. :hite shrimp are still Eeing har vested the same way today from the waters of *eorgia·s Earrier islands, thanks in large part to the appeal of their sweet flavor. ,n fact, sweetness is one of the Tualities that make them so uniTue. ´7wo things stand out aEout white shrimp their sweetness and te[ture,µ says -ason 5ussell, e[ecutive chef at Sea ,sland·s Beach &luE. ´7hat·s why they lend themselves to so many different foods, especially dishes like shrimp and grits, where you have creamy grits and crispy Eacon.µ )rying is another classic way to prepare them. 5ussell·s are lightly Ereaded and flash fried at several Sea ,sland restaurants. $nd of course, shrimp and grits are always on the menu. ´Both are so aEundant in this area³we focus on eating local and organic, and te[tur ally and flavor wise, shrimp and grits Must go together,µ 5ussell says. 5ussell also says he loves pairing white shrimp with salty foods. ´Because they are so sweet, they go great when prepared with things like Eacon,µ he says. But he also e[periments with more unusual flavor com Einations, like his Eread and Eutter pickled shrimp, which is a favorite among guests at Sea ,sland. ´<ou lightly cook the shrimp in water first, and then toss it in pickling liTuid,µ he e[plains. ´, use leftover Eread and Eutter pickling Muice. ,t·s a delicious way to prepare them in the heat of the summer.µ :hile summer is a popular season for enMoying this particular seafood, Eoth 5ussell and StuEEs say the Eest time of the year for *eorgia·s white shrimp is actually in the autumn months. ´:ild *eorgia white shrimp hasn·t Eeen successfully pond raised,µ StuEEs e[plains. ´« So in spring we will get a decent crop, Eut it depends on the weather. 7he fall crop is more plentiful and « the Eest.µ 5ussell says he enMoys cooking the white shrimp in the fall the most Eecause the season is the ideal time for firing up the grill and cooking the seafood delicacies out side at the resort in true Southern fashion. Sea ,sland guests can enMoy the low country Eoil out in the fresh air. ´:e use the shrimp in our low country Eoil, and do the dinner out side where we can Must dump everything out on the taEle,µ he says. ´, Must peel and eat the shrimp³that·s what , love the most.µ ❍ SHRIMP ILLUSTRATIONS: SHAYLENE BROOKS WHITE SHRIMP Flavor: Mild with a natural sweetness Texture: Tender and crunchy Color: Light gray body with dark coloration on the tail, and yellow band on part of the abdomen Harvest: Spring and fall Best dishes: Paired with grits, used in a low-country boil BROWN SHRIMP Flavor: Strong and somewhat salty Texture: Firm, never stringy or mushy Color: Tail usually has a reddish band, and body has a slightly red hue Harvest: July and August Best dishes: Stuffing, shrimp étouffée and thick stews Shrimp Square Off WHITE AND BROWN SHRIMP ARE BOTH COMMON IN GEORGIA, BUT THE TWO HAVE DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT CHARACTERISTICS. Tasty Trio CHEF DE CUISINE HÉCTOR ESPINOSA SUGGESTS THESE DISHES TO ENJOY GEORGIA’S WHITE SHRIMP AT SOUTHERN TIDE. A La Diabla Platter A new addition to the menu, chef Espinosa says that this entrée is perfect for those who love a combination of spicy and sweet. It includes sautéed shrimp and scallops with sweet chipotle sauce, served with Mojo de Ajo grits. Baja Shrimp Tacos This is one of chef Espinosa’s personal favorites. Select a custom shrimp preparation—fried, grilled or blackened—complemented by cabbage, cilantro, sour cream and winter citrus salsa. Shrimp Cocktail Inspired by the cuisine served on the Yucatán Peninsula, the shrimp cocktail is a refreshing option featuring boiled Georgia white shrimp, Mexican cocktail sauce, onion, cilantro, lime, avocado and crackers.

16 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 LIBATIONS Locally Made Craft distillers are on the rise in Georgia, creating artisan spirits with homegrown ingredients. By Jessica Leigh Brown FALL/WINTER 2016/17 CELEBRATING TRADITIONS As the popularity of craft brewing continues to skyrocket throughout the nation, craft distilleries are also gaining traction—and in Georgia, Richland Rum is leading the charge. The company·s careful approach to distilling reflects the public’s appreciation for natural, locally sourced ingredients. 7here are no artificial flavors, colors or additives in 5ichland 5um·s products; its rum is crafted from water and sugar cane grown on-site. “We’re the only rum distillery in America that grows its own sugar cane,” says owner Erik Vonk. Field-to-Glass 9onk learned the value of rum from his grandfather, a connoisseur who made a hobby of exploring the libation during his travels as a merchant mariner. ´, grew up in +olland and my mom·s dad traveled around the world in search of good rums,” Vonk says. ,t turned out that the varieties made from unrefined sugar cane held the taste and quality that Vonk’s grandfather sought. 'ecades later, 9onk was living in $tlanta when he discovered that the 5ichland area, an appro[imately three hour drive south of the city, was historically used to grow sugar cane. “I had a ‘eureka’ moment,” he says. “We were within arm’s reach of starting our own rum distillery, so as soon as there was an opportunity to acquire land here, we did.” 9onk and his wife, .arin, moved to 5ichland in 1999 and began growing sugar cane in a small area of the farm. ´7he whole oEMective was to bring back authentic rum-making by growing our own base product, fermenting, distilling, aging, bottling and selling it,” he says. ´,t·s really a field to glass operation here.” After years of experimentation with the growing process, the Vonks obtained one of the few distillery licenses issued by the state of Georgia since Prohibition ended. Carefully Processed (very autumn, 9onk and his team plant a new crop of sugar cane at the Richland farm, Richland Rum is crafted from local ingredients.

FALL/WINTER 2021/22 | FROM THE ARCHIVES | SEA ISLAND LIFE 17 setting in motion the lengthy process of rum production. “Sugar cane is planted by taking pieces of stalks and burying [them] horizontally,” Vonk says. “We plant in late fall, nurture it until the next fall and wait as long as we can Eefore the first frost to harvest.” Harvesting the cane involves stripping leaves, cutting stalks and crushing them to squeeze out the juice, which is evaporated and condensed to create syrup. Vonk then adds yeast and allows the mixture to ferment for five to si[ days. ´7he yeast converts the sugar into alcohol and our end product is sugar cane wine,” he says. “We send that wine to an old fashioned pot still, which separates the alcohol from the wine.” Distilling takes about 15 hours. The resulting rum is stored in American white oak barrels for three to four years. “While it’s aging in the barrels, the rum interacts with the tannins in the oak wood, giving it color and a much broader, deeper aroma and flavor profile,µ 9onk says. After years of investment and hard work, Richland Rum is now available in 14 states and several countries. This spring or summer, the company will establish a location in Brunswick, Ga., ensuring that they’ll be able to keep up with growing demand. ❍ OPPOSITE PAGE: COURTESY OF RICHLAND RUM; THIS PAGE, LEFT: COURTESY OF RICHLAND RUM; RIGHT: COURTESY OF GOLDENISLES.COM Richland Rum is aged in oak barrels for three to four years. On the Rise Fellow Georgia craft operation Old 4th Distillery opened its doors in Atlanta in 2014 and currently offers bottles of vodka and gin. “We’re the only distillery in the city of Atlanta ... the last one operating was in 1906, before Prohibition,” explains owner and master distiller Jeff Moore, who owns the company with his brother Craig Moore and business partner Gabe Plato. “We use cane sugar grown on a small farm in southern Louisiana. For our gin, we pick all our juniper berries at Oakland Cemetery here in Atlanta.” Visitors can also learn about the history of distilling in Atlanta while touring the Old 4th Distillery. “We currently have the world’s largest collection of [Atlanta] distilling antiques in our tasting room,” Moore says. Other Georgia-based craft operations include Dawsonville Moonshine Distillery, which uses family recipes from 150 years ago to create an authentic moonshine, and Thirteenth Colony, which creates small batches of whiskey, vodka and gin with locally sourced ingredients. Welcome to Brunswick RICHLAND RUM IS EXPANDING TO HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BRUNSWICK, GA. Richland Rum’s second distillery is scheduled to open in late spring or early summer 2017. Just a short drive from Sea Island, the new location in Brunswick will produce only silver rum and offer visitors a chance to see the distilling process in action, just as they can at the original Richland estate. In addition to tours of the distillery, the coastal city, settled in 1738, offers a variety of activities and sights for a half- or full-day excursion. Located downtown, the historic Ritz Theatre hosts concerts and art exhibits. Art lovers can also check out Art Downtown SoGlo Gallery, which features regional and local artists, or Brunswick Stewdio, a co-op of artists, craftspeople and other creatives from the community. History buffs will enjoy a visit to the monument of James Oglethorpe, the founder of the British colony of Georgia. Historic Tours Downtown also offers walking excursions of the downtown area, covering many of the most significant properties. For those seeking a less scheduled experience, guidebooks are also available at the Old City Hall, pinpointing all of the notable historical sites. The Ritz Theatre

18 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 FALL/WINTER 2013/14 CELEBRATING TRADITIONS Pedal Power Experience the joy of touring the Island on two wheels. By Amber Lanier Nagle OUTWARD BOUND Some describe the overwhelming sense of freedom and exhilaration reminiscent of their childhoods. Others revel in the wind tousling their hair and the sunshine warming their shoulders as they coast on two wheels. Nothing compares to hopping on a bicycle and pedaling from one place to another. It is one of life’s simplest and most glorious pleasures and, at Sea Island, biking is just another component of the laid-back beach culture that continuously captivates members and guests. ´:ith aEout . miles of flat, Eike friendly paths and lanes, cycling is by far the best way to see Sea Island—to experience the homes, geography, waterfront and culture,” explains Fred Collins, a tour guide at Sea Island’s bike shop, Pedal. “You can’t possibly get the same experience by car. And with the 2-mile path now linking Sea Island to St. Simons Island, cyclists have easy access to [St. Simons] 40 miles of bike pathways, too.” Guests can bike the entire length and circumference of both islands without riding on the road. Along the way, they can more intimately encounter the shimmering waves of the Atlantic, the clusters of stately palms, and the towering live oaks draped elegantly in Spanish moss. They can pull over, park their bikes, breathe in the salty air and experience the Golden Isles’ panorama—up close and personal. “One popular bike excursion is the trail that winds to the north of St. Simons,” Collins explains. “It’s a beautiful ride that takes cyclists to two historical landmarks, Christ Church and Fort Frederica National Monument.” History abounds at every turn. At the site of Christ Church, John and Charles Wesley preached under the oaks in 1736 before returning to England to help found the Methodist Church. The original church was built in 1820, but was partially destroyed by Union troops; the present, Gothic-style structure was built in 1884. Established in 1736, Fort Frederica was the southernmost outpost that secured Georgia’s future as a British colony.

FALL/WINTER 2021/22 | FROM THE ARCHIVES | SEA ISLAND LIFE 19 The bike trails that meander southward on St. Simons have a different flavor. ´7hey end at the Pier Village shopping and lighthouse area,µ &ollins says. ´7he lighthouse goes back to 1872 with 129 steps that climb to the top. The A.W. Jones Heritage Center is next door to the lighthouse, and the Pier Village offers all sorts of fun activities, restaurants, souvenir and specialty shops, and a popular fishing pier.µ Each week, Pedal offers four guided tours that range from 9 to 18 miles. Those who prefer the freedom of freewheeling without a guide can pick up a self-tour map at the bike shop. People who haven’t straddled a bike in years need not worry Biking is a rela[ing activity on Sea ,sland. 7he terrain is flat, with no hills for a 100-mile radius, except for the bridges to the mainland. ´2ur Eikes are easy to use,µ &ollins e[plains. ´:e carry different models in four different sizes for both men and women. Most of our bikes are single-speed cruisers with coaster brakes and comfortable seats. $nd yes, we offer child carrier seats, trailers for children up to 80 pounds, and small bikes with or without training wheels.” Pedal also offers an adult tandem bike—a Eicycle Euilt for two³and an adult tricycle for rental to Sea Island guests. Experienced cyclists who want to get out and really hammer the roads can rent 27-speed Trek racing Eikes in three different si]es with a variety of pedal systems. $side from the pure Moy of pedaling around the islands, cycling and other forms of e[ercise work the muscles, boost heart health and help bodies release those feel-good endorphins that make people happy. -im Sayer, e[ecutive director of $dventure &ycling $ssociation, lauds the health and wellness Eenefits of Eiking. Sayer descriEes cycling as ´one of the highest yield, lowest impact kinds of e[ercise around. :e constantly hear people say that cycling has helped them lose weight and Eoost their self esteem. ... ,t·s easy on their bones, joints and backs, and ... it’s great for their spirit.” It’s true—there’s something uplifting and purely organic aEout riding a Eike. $nd with an abundance of sites to explore and miles and miles of smooth bike paths and lanes on Sea ,sland and Eeyond, it·s time to hop on and get rolling. ❍ Ride to Fort Frederica to see the historic site of centuries-old imperial conflict. Christ Church, built in 1884, is a beautiful place to visit by bike. COURTESY OF GOLDENISLES.COM Tips for the Road WONDERING HOW TO PREPARE AND WHAT TO TAKE ALONG FOR THE RIDE? FRED COLLINS, TOUR GUIDE AT PEDAL, OFFERS A FEW SUGGESTIONS TO MAKE RIDING AROUND THE ISLAND A MORE PLEASANT EXPERIENCE: Dress casually, in light-colored clothing. Wear comfortable shoes that protect your feet—tennis shoes are preferred. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen, consider wearing a hat or helmet and sunglasses, and take water along for the ride (baskets can be affixed to rental bikes for convenience). Take your cellphone in case you need to call the bike shop for assistance (and to take photos). Bring a map to help guide you. Carry cash and/or a credit card to purchase refreshments or unique finds along the way. Contact room service for a packed picnic basket that fits perfectly in your bike basket. Picnic baskets can be customized but typically offer water, fruit, a sandwich of choice, potato salad, chips and a chocolate chip cookie from the bake shop—perfect for a break along the bike path!

20 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 FALL/WINTER 2015/16 CELEBRATING TRADITIONS Better in Bunches Family trips are even better when multiple generations come along. By Matt Villano FAMILY FIRST After June Bigham and her late husband, Paul, had their third child, they learned how difficult it was to travel with their entire family to visit all of their relatives. Their solution was to extend an invitation for loved ones to visit whenever they pleased, and start spending vacations at various locations, in what they deemed fun family outings, or “FFOs.” When their daughters became teenagers, they naturally wanted to bring friends along; but the Bighams remained adamant in setting aside this time for family only. “Our fun family outings became forced family outings,” June says. “Once we arrived at our destination, though, they once again became fun.” 7he family of five inevitaEly grew to , with children-in-law eventually coming along, and then grandchildren. Now, the family represents a growing population who embrace multigenerational travel, with the understanding that “the more, the merrier” really is true. “The market for multigenerational travel is up proEaEly percent since the recession,µ says Dr. Jim Taylor, a marketing and branding consultant, and vice chairman of YouGov. Even with families spending less in some areas, Taylor adds, “One of the places [families@ have not really sacrificed is travel, which is no longer, in most households, viewed as discretionary but a necessary expense. ... It’s the time that they remind each other of who they love and how they feel.” As Families Grow A number of studies support Taylor’s conclusions about multigenerational travel. According to a summer 2014 AAA poll, 36 percent of American families planned to take a multigenerational trip Ey mid , up percent from the year before. Additionally, in its 2014 Luxe Report, Virtuoso, a network of high-end travel agencies, named multigenerational travel the biggest trend—for the fourth year in a row. Rainer Jenss, president and founder of the nascent Family Travel Association, says the Many families look at travel as a crucial part of their lives, taking every vacation as a chance to bond. Eenefits of traveling with other generations are simple: “It’s a great way to bring a family closer together. ... Because grandparents are living longer and are more active, there are more opportunities to travel with them.” “Being in the moment together, gathering at the end of a day to compare adventures—that creates bonds that last a lifetime,” adds Ginny Miller, a travel consultant with Sea Island, a resort that’s been hosting generations of families for more than eight decades. The Right Fit One of the biggest challenges of multigenerational travel has been satisfying a large group of individuals with different preferences. The Bighams, for e[ample, had to find ))2 destina tions that met a number of criteria once children-in-law and grandchildren were involved. These criteria included accommodations with at least seven bedrooms and diverse facilities for activities. “Our FFOs had to include a golf course for Paul and the three new sons,” June adds. “... Our favorite things to do are to swim and visit the pool, watch the cousins play together, grill, play on the beach, visit local restaurants and bond as a family.” When Paul passed away in 2011, June grappled with the decision to continue the

FALL/WINTER 2021/22 | FROM THE ARCHIVES | SEA ISLAND LIFE 21 family’s outings, but her daughters urged her to keep the tradition. After a couple of less enjoyable trips, she made the choice to return to a destination that they had visited eight years prior: Sea Island. “I decided to give it one more try before calling it quits,” she says. “It was a wonderful FFO! We had so much fun that we made reservations at Sea Island for next year.” They now also use their FFOs as a time to pay tribute to Paul. “[He] is still greatly missed, but we include him by releasing a lantern on the beach and sending it to him in heaven,” June says. To-Do List Once accommodations are settled, it’s time to play. Families with young, energetic members should consider destinations with both family-friendly and adult-only pools. Having the ocean nearby adds another dynamic. “[Multigenerational travelers] are usually looking for a place ... that has a suite of amenities,” Taylor explains. “Not only the usual clubs, pools and golf, but also [activities like] skeet, boating, a host of things people can do and increasingly absorb the whole family in single activities.” Additionally, family members should be fle[iEle. ´:hen you vacation with multiple generations, there are bound to be days when people want to do different things,” Miller says. For this reason, it’s important to reserve specific times or activities for the family to reconvene. “There are moments—dinner is always such a moment—where families can play together and giggle,” Taylor adds. Most importantly, June offers, “Keep it simple.” She adds that families should never forget the focus of the trip. “The biggest Eenefit of our ))2s, for me, is to see my daughters with their families, spending quality time together. It is important to me for my grandchildren to know each other and to understand that they are family. No matter what happens, what decisions they make, right or wrong, our family will always be there for support.” ❍ Multigenerational travelers choose destinations with unique activity offerings such as nature walks. June Bigham’s family releases a paper lantern on their vacation in honor of her late husband. TOP RIGHT AND SIDEBAR: COURTESY OF THE BIGHAM FAMILY Destination: Family June Bigham and her family clearly outlined the requirements of their vacation destinations (accommodations that have at least seven bedrooms, a golf course, pool, beach and convenient dining options), a crucial step in planning any multigenerational trip. Now seasoned in the art of trip planning, the family understands the importance of a comfortable space, and options for family and alone time when needed. Hotel and resort staff can also be a valuable resource for those planning trips that include a wide age range. At Sea Island’s Camp Cloister, the resort’s Junior Staff provides entertainment and supervision for young ones. Families can also rent sailboats, paddleboards and kayaks year-round. Fishing excursions are yet another bonding experience, as well as guided nature cruises. The whole brood can stay, dine and play at Sea Island’s Beach Club, complete with multiple pools, a waterslide and a coveted beachside location. Beach Club suites are offered with one or two bedrooms up to 1,800 square feet. Alternatively, Sea Island cottage rentals offer three to seven bedrooms, and many have their own swimming pools. With full access to the property’s dining, children’s programs, spa and golf, cottages give multigenerational travelers added space and privacy.

22 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 Spa treatments at Sea Island often incorporate natural ingredients. Below: dried chamomile Naturally Inspired Spa treatments are taking advantage of the power of plants to provide custom experiences and impressive results. By Debra Bokur MIND & BODY FALL/WINTER 2018/19 CELEBRATING TRADITIONS There has been a rousing shift in how we approach the care and health of our skin, with a dramatic swing in the spa industry that embraces natural, holistic ingredients. Consumer demand for natural and organic personal care products free of chemicals such as parabens and sulfates is expected to top $13.2 billion this year, and industry analysts predict continued growth through 2020. Expanding awareness of the possibility of toxicity and even hormone disruption from the use of synthetically produced, chemically laden skin care potions is fueling this evolution. At Sea Island, transformations to the spa menu reflect this trend with a large selection of products rooted in pure plant components. (lla .ent, director of spa, fitness and racTuet sports, explains that the search for an elegant, effective and more natural approach to the products and protocols used in body treatments and massage therapies led directly to Naturopathica. The luxurious natural beauty company was created by Barbara Close, whose expertise in holistic skin care includes over two decades of product development. With the increased focus on ingredient safety, &lose says the spa industry is confirm ing everything her company has stood for over the last 20 years. “Herbs are the oldest and most widely used form of health care in the world,” she explains, noting that some have restorative powers to help the body function. “Some of the greatest healing agents have been derived from the plant kingdom and are still used throughout the world today.” Kent points to the Pursuit of Happiness at Sea Island as a prime example of a treatment that takes full advantage of the benefits of natural ingredients. 7he treatment begins with a facial massage, complete with your choice of one of four products from Naturopathica’s Aromatic Alchemy Gift Set. (ach product offers a totally uniTue aroma therapy experience: Chill Aromatic Alchemy’s chamomile, lemon verbena and neroli blossoms with bee balm for improved rest and serenity; Inspire Aromatic Alchemy’s balsam fir needles, pink grapefruit, red mandarin and mood-balancing Saint-John’s-wort to enhance self confidence and ground emotional energy Meditation Aromatic Alchemy’s sandalwood and frankincense mingled with the “grounding essences” of ginger root, clove, cardamom and sweet orange for mindfulness and clarity; or Re-Boot Aromatic Alchemy’s uplifting and energizing lemongrass and peppermint, with holy basil to help augment stress resistance in the body. Another element of the facial massage utilizes the Wild Lime Revitalizing Scalp & Hair Oil with exhilarating components that include zesty lime, tangerine and pink grapefruit melded with avocado oil, in addition to pressure point work. The next portion includes a traditional body brushing that is said to improve blood flow. $fterward, 1aturopathica·s /emongrass Mimosa Body Scrub is used to exfoliate the feet, while offering fragrant notes of lemongrass, mimosa, jasmine and ylang-ylang. The Pursuit of Happiness concludes with a full-body massage, during which a base of Botanical Seed Bath & Body Oil is blended with the guest’s aromatherapy selection. The oil includes nourishing coldpressed sunflower, grape and apricot seed oils, plus gamma-linolenic acid for skin replenishment—leaving you rejuvenated and relaxed, and ready to explore the Island. ❍ UPDATE FOR 2021/22 New Name for a Longtime Favorite Formerly known as the Pursuit of Happiness, the Sea Island Massage now includes a refreshing addition: an aromatic scalp massage featuring Naturopathica’s Wild Lime Revitalizing Scalp & Hair Oil. “Our scalp massage does a great job of releasing tension, and feels sublime,” says Cecilia Hercik, the director of spa and wellness at Sea Island. “It involves the use of the fingertips of both hands to apply light to medium pressure to your scalp, stimulating and improving the blood circulation within the hair follicles.” BOTTOM: ARTKIO/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM

24 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 Fit For Life )unctional fitness improves Tuality of life Ey strengthening muscles needed for everyday activities. By Vicki Hogue-Davies GET FIT There·s a new workout trend, and it doesn·t reTuire heavy weights or protein shakes. )unctional fitness training focuses on Euilding muscles that assist with regular motions like climEing stairs. 7he e[ercises are intended to make daily activities easier and may also help pre vent common inMuries. )unctional workouts that address Ealance in older people, for e[ample, can help them avoid falls, reducing the possiEility of Eroken Eones. ´([ercises within a functional fitness pro gram account for everyday life movements, such as getting out of Eed >and@ getting up and down from a chair,µ says Bill *aEriel, a doctor of physical therapy and fitness e[pert at 3erformance &hiropractic in ,rvine, &alif. ´,t involves the coordinated effort of a Eunch of different Moints and a Eunch of different muscles at once.µ *aEriel also adds that, in comparison with workouts like leg e[tensions or curls that only work on certain isolated muscles, functional fitness e[ercises such as lunges and sTuats are more relevant to day to day life. 5andy 0yers, director of golf fitness for Sea ,sland, agrees with the Eenefits of this approach to health. ´0any people wait until it is too late and >they@ are inMured or have a spe cific proElem with their hips, knees or Eack,µ 0yers says. ´*etting involved >in a functional fitness program@ today is Eeneficial for the long run. $nd it doesn·t e[clude anyone³you can Ee to .µ 7he varied activities in functional fitness also make it more entertaining than following the same old workout routine. ´,t·s an e[er cise that doesn·t involve the same machine every time you get into the gym³it·ll keep you on your toes,µ says 7om +emmings, fit ness operations and training supervisor at Sea ,sland. 7he Sea ,sland Spa and )itness &enter offers more than classes a week, focus ing on different functional type movement lessons, in addition to one on one training, in which e[perts develop individuali]ed programs for specific needs. ´,t is an educa tional training that will teach you aEout the way your Eody moves,µ 0yers says. ´'oes one side of the Eody have a deficiency or lim ited Ealance" ,s your range of motion Eetter on one side than the other" ,t will give you an important understanding from a kinesiol ogy standpoint.µ 0yers also says that functional training can help golfers, tennis players, sTuash play ers and participants of other longevity sports elevate their game Ey conditioning the right muscles according to each activity. ,t·s important to consult a doctor or physi cal therapist Eefore starting any new fitness program. ,t is also critical to Ee selective when choosing a trainer. *aEriel recommends looking for trainers with certifications from crediEle organi]ations such as the 1ational Strength and &onditioning $ssociation or the 7itleist 3erformance ,nstitute. But aEove all, rememEer that emEracing a new approach to fitness can impact so much more than muscle tone. ´1ot a lot of people like change,µ +emmings says, ´Eut we·re try ing to prove that change can improve some aspects of life.µ ❍ A cycling class at Sea Island Functional fitness workouts emphasize practical strength over developing isolated muscles. FALL/WINTER 2016/17 CELEBRATING TRADITIONS

RSM US LLP is the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent audit, tax and consulting firms. Visit for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International. Thank you, Golden Isles. When we come together, everyone wins. It takes an entire community of dedicated people to put on a PGA TOUR event like The RSM Classic. For the past 12 years, the Golden Isles community hascontinued to makethistournament a tremendoussuccess and together, we’ve raised more than $22million dollars for charity, including supporting Special Olympics, the Boys and Girls Club of SoutheastGeorgia, First Tee, Communities in Schools and the Southeast Georgia Health System Foundation. So, from everyone at RSM, thank you and we look forward to another great year of impact in 2022.

26 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 Sea Island employs two full-time clubfitters and state-of-the-art technology to ensure golfers are matched with the perfect set of clubs. FALL/WINTER 2013/14 CELEBRATING TRADITIONS Fit to a Tee Sea ,sland 0aster &luEfitter &raig $llan provides insider tips on how to swing the perfect fit. By Scott Kramer IN THE SWING There·s no mistaking the importance of cluEfitting these days. 7echnology has gotten so sophisticated and pre cise that your golf swing and Eall flight can Ee Tuickly Eroken down into thou sands of data points. 7his data can then derive the e[act cluEs and specifications you need to Ee aEle to strike the Eall Eetter, further and with more efficiency. Sea ,sland·s *olf /earning &enter is among the Eest destinations that can fit the per fect cluE to your swing. 7he center, which *olf 'igest listed among $merica·s Best &luEfitters in , employs two full time cluEfitters with more than years of e[peri ence³one Eeing manager &raig $llan. $rmed with the latest, state of the art technology, including two 7rack0an /aunch 0onitors³ sophisticated, three dimensional doppler radars measuring golf cluE and Eall flight data in real time³the center allows golfers to test the latest eTuipment from most maMor cluE Erands in live conditions, and then Tuantify the results. Sea ,sland·s ´Best of &lass Ey &ategoryµ approach allows golfers to test multiple Erands in each product category. )ittings can help determine the optimal launch conditions for your uniTue swing your correct set makeup, including fairway metals, hyErids and wedges or confirm the performance of your e[isting cluEs, including e[act yardage calculations. ´:e·ve Eeen using the industry leading 7rack0an 5adar as our launch monitor tech nology for several years now,µ $llan says. $ slew of tour pros, including 'avis /ove ,,,, +arris (nglish, Brandt Snedeker, Stewart &ink and =ach -ohnson have consulted $llan on their cluEs. ´5ather than focus on one eTuipment Erand for fitting, we have fitting tools for the leading performers in all categories,µ $llan e[plains. ´:e·re a regional fitting center for Eoth 1ike and 7itleist, as well as an advanced fitting loca tion for 7aylor0ade, 3,1*, 0i]uno, &leveland, &oEra, &allaway, $dams and 7our (dge.µ (ach fitting session starts with a short interview while the golfer warms up, which allows $llan and his staff an opportunity to get some Eackground on the golfer, as well as learn aEout his or her goals, and also lets the golfer get comfortaEle with the process. 5egardless of what cluEs the player·s Eeing fitted for, the staff always uses the golfer·s

FALL/WINTER 2021/22 | FROM THE ARCHIVES | SEA ISLAND LIFE 27 current club as the baseline so that they’re aEle to assess tendencies and get a defined target to exceed. “Once we have the data from the current club, we will test new equipment against it—keeping in mind the player’s preferences as well as shot tendencies,” Allan says. ´$t the end of the fitting, we should have a consensus between player and data on a club or set that will clearly outperform the old, and something the player is excited about.” Allan recognizes that there are many different club options from which golfers can choose, almost all of which will perform well for someone. “Each golfer is unique and therefore should take the time to Ee fitted for clubs that will maximize performance so they can truly enjoy the game,” he says. “There are very few players who will not Eenefit from a cluEfitting session, as it truly is the fastest way to improve your game. We do, however, run into a golfer occasionally who has some swing issues that should first Ee addressed before they invest in new clubs.” Allan says he recently helped a woman understand launch angles and carry distances as they related to her slower clubhead speed. “Ultimately, we added some lofted fairway woods, hybrids and additional wedges to her set, which she said changed her game,” Allan says. “We strive to have this effect with every fitting we do. :ell fit cluEs will enhance and improve a player’s game. ... A set of clubs should work together and address both a player’s strengths and weaknesses. Many people focus on the driver, as they understandably want to hit [the ball] further, but even though driving the ball is important, it’s only part of the equation that makes up playing well.” Consider how the staff at Sea Island Golf Learning Center helped Jon Clarkson of +ouston ´7heir cluEfitting technology is cutting edge,” says the amateur golfer. “The equipment changes they’ve recommended to Stewart Cink Zach Johnson An array of equipment brands awaits golfers at Sea Island’s Golf Learning Center. TOP RIGHT: DAVID W. LEINDECKER/SHUTTERSTOCK.COM me as time has marched on, with inevitable swing and fle[iEility issues, have Eeen great and allowed me to stay competitive.” The world’s best golf players also praise Allan’s abilities. Whenever PGA TOUR pro Harris English’s equipment sponsor PING sends him new clubs, he typically takes them directly to Allan. “That’s to make sure all of the specs are accurate for my swing,” English explains. “He’s one of the best in the business and has a great eye. He makes my job easier. 7hat allows me to have the confidence to know that the clubs are right and I can just swing away.” ❍ UPDATE FOR 2021/22 Fresh Perspective CRAIG ALLAN, MASTER CLUBFITTER AND DIRECTOR OF THE GOLF PERFORMANCE CENTER, SHARES INSIGHT INTO THE ART— AND IMPACT—OF CLUBFITTING EXPERIENCES AT SEA ISLAND. On the Golf Performance Center’s holistic approach to golf instruction: “We help golfers of all levels, from those just starting out all the way to major championship winners. We like to look at each student as a unique challenge and our goal is to help them enjoy this great game and achieve their goals no matter how big or small.” On working with PGA TOUR professionals: “We have been very fortunate over the years to work with some world-class PGA TOUR professionals like Davis Love III, Harris English, Brian Harman, Hudson Swafford, Matt Kuchar and Zach Johnson, to name just a few. [They] are obviously the very best at what they do and it is exciting when they play well, especially following work we have done with their clubs.” On working with other professional athletes: “They seem to love the challenge golf presents and not surprisingly are very competitive and strive to be as good as they possibly can be. This, for us, is the challenge; … they sometimes want immediate results and think that new clubs will do this. We have to manage expectations while showing measurable performance gains and a holistic approach. Golf is a marathon, not a sprint.” On seeing players improve after clubfitting: “Success stories come in all forms, but it is especially rewarding when we get thank-you notes after someone shoots their lowest score ever, wins a big event at their club, or even wins a large amateur or professional event.”

28 SEA ISLAND LIFE | FROM THE ARCHIVES | FALL/WINTER 2021/22 Personalized instruction makes acquiring new skills easier than ever. FALL/WINTER 2015/16 CELEBRATING TRADITIONS SO YOU WANT TO PLAY GOLF Experienced golfers and novices are learning that improving their game—especially with modern equipment and instruction—is a lot of fun. By Dale Leatherman Golf is both deceptively simple and endlessly complicated; it satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time rewarding and maddening—and it is without a doubt the greatest game mankind has ever invented.”—Arnold Palmer The golf great’s quote continues to capture the spirit of the game. A bit like riding a bike, golf can be daunting to newcomers, but once they’ve learned the basics, they never look back. For those who have been playing for years or are fresh to the game, there are plenty of resources to enhance skill sets or help get into the swing, all while having a great time. And, like riding a bike, golf is something that can be enjoyed for years and years as individuals continuously learn and improve. The idea is simple—just grab a club and hit the ball where you want it to go—but there are many aspects to explore and understand within the sport that make it a challenge. First, there are 14 clubs in the bag, all for different purposes and distances. And, unlike the sweet spot on a baseball bat or tennis racket, the golf club’s hitting area is on a crooked metal head at the end of a long stick. Slightly shifting golfers’ grip or moving their feet can send the ball in a different direction, Unlike a pitch across home plate or a tennis ball hit over the net to a lined court, a golf ball is stationary, on the ground where players can take dead aim at it. But it could be off the fairway in deep weeds, in the sand, behind a rock or under a tree. Golf’s “court,” or field of play, is never the same, and course designers insert impediments³doglegs, forced carries and sand and water hazards—along the route. Even the same course can vary from day to day depending on maintenance, weather and other factors. Every shot on a golf course is a new game requiring smart club selection and planning. And these skills—knowing the tools, the environment and the game strategy—are just some of the explanations for many people’s perception of the sport’s steep learning curve. Nevertheless, millions of men, women and children are passionate about the game, embracing the fun of the sport while learning and getting better. Much of the fun is rooted in learning, continuously unlocking golf’s secrets. “Golf requires power, accuracy and precision,” says Nate Radcliffe, Nike’s director of engineering for golf clubs. “Any amateur can make a free throw, hit a baseball or make a skilled catch once—and any golfer is capable of a professional-level shot during a round. This potential drives both the appeal and the frustration of the game. … I don’t necessarily agree that golf is harder than other sports. It’s all relative. To become an ‘average’ player, you have to play better than half of the golfers, which takes time and practice. … The beauty of golf is that there is a lifelong opportunity to play and try to get better.”